
"Affinity Line For Sales"

Number 1 # 

The model from the aboved picts "Ori Cranze "B." She's a very fine porcelain doll.
The doll comes with 20 articulated joint parts. The doll and items are for sale as in the pictures showing.

* Height : 15.5 inc.
* Weight : 323 g.
* Head Mesurement : 4.5 inc.
* Neck Mesurement : 2 inc.
* Chest size : 5.6inc.
* Shoulder width : 2.5 inc.
* Arm length : 4.5 inc.
* Waist : 4 inc.
* Hip mesurement : 5.7 inc.
* Waist to toe length : 8.9 inc.
* Neck to thigh : 5.3 inc.
* Thigh : 3.5 inc.
* Leg length : 8 inc.
* Foot length : 1 inc.

One of a Kind ONLY!
 The Price is 2,500$ excludes the shipping price.
Please contact : immortalclassique@gmail.com

Number 2#


The model from the aboved picts "Nephele "B." She's a very fine porcelain doll.
The doll comes with 20 articulated joint parts. The doll and items are for sale as in the pictures showing.

* Height : 15.5 inc.
* Weight : 323 g.
* Head Mesurement : 4.5 inc.
* Neck Mesurement : 2 inc.
* Chest size : 5.6inc.
* Shoulder width : 2.5 inc.
* Arm length : 4.5 inc.
* Waist : 4 inc.
* Hip mesurement : 5.7 inc.
* Waist to toe length : 8.9 inc.
* Neck to thigh : 5.3 inc.
* Thigh : 3.5 inc.
* Leg length : 8 inc.
* Foot length : 1 inc.

One of a Kind ONLY!
 The Price is 1,950$ excludes the shipping price.
Please contact : immortalclassique@gmail.com

Number 3# 

The model from the aboved picts is "Diviana "P." She's a very fine porcelain doll.
The doll comes with 20 articulated joint parts. The doll and items are for sale as in the pictures showing.

* Height : 15.5 inc.
* Weight : 323 g.
* Head Mesurement : 4.5 inc.
* Neck Mesurement : 2 inc.
* Chest size : 5.6inc.
* Shoulder width : 2.5 inc.
* Arm length : 4.5 inc.
* Waist : 4 inc.
* Hip mesurement : 5.7 inc.
* Waist to toe length : 8.9 inc.
* Neck to thigh : 5.3 inc.
* Thigh : 3.5 inc.
* Leg length : 8 inc.
* Foot length : 1 inc.

One of a Kind ONLY!
 The Price is 1,850$ excludes the shipping price.
Please contact : immortalclassique@gmail.com

Number 4

The model from the aboved picts "Vivienne Dunte" She's a very fine porcelain doll.
The doll comes with 20 articulated joint parts. The doll and items are for sale as in the pictures showing.

* Height : 15.5 inc.
* Weight : 323 g.
* Head Mesurement : 4.5 inc.
* Neck Mesurement : 2 inc.
* Chest size : 5.6inc.
* Shoulder width : 2.5 inc.
* Arm length : 4.5 inc.
* Waist : 4 inc.
* Hip mesurement : 5.7 inc.
* Waist to toe length : 8.9 inc.
* Neck to thigh : 5.3 inc.
* Thigh : 3.5 inc.
* Leg length : 8 inc.
* Foot length : 1 inc.

One of a Kind ONLY! (no chanderlier included)
 The Price is 2,950$ excludes the shipping price.
Please contact : immortalclassique@gmail.com

Number 5#

The model from the aboved picts "Ori Cranze "W." She's a very fine porcelain doll.
The doll comes with 20 articulated joint parts. The doll and items are for sale as in the pictures showing.

* Height : 15.5 inc.
* Weight : 323 g.
* Head Mesurement : 4.5 inc.
* Neck Mesurement : 2 inc.
* Chest size : 5.6inc.
* Shoulder width : 2.5 inc.
* Arm length : 4.5 inc.
* Waist : 4 inc.
* Hip mesurement : 5.7 inc.
* Waist to toe length : 8.9 inc.
* Neck to thigh : 5.3 inc.
* Thigh : 3.5 inc.
* Leg length : 8 inc.
* Foot length : 1 inc.

One of a Kind ONLY!
 The Price is 1,850$ excludes the shipping price.
Please contact : immortalclassique@gmail.com

Number 6#

The model from the aboved picts "Diviana "W." She's a very fine porcelain doll.
The doll comes with 20 articulated joint parts. The doll and items are for sale as in the pictures showing.

* Height : 15.5 inc.
* Weight : 323 g.
* Head Mesurement : 4.5 inc.
* Neck Mesurement : 2 inc.
* Chest size : 5.6inc.
* Shoulder width : 2.5 inc.
* Arm length : 4.5 inc.
* Waist : 4 inc.
* Hip mesurement : 5.7 inc.
* Waist to toe length : 8.9 inc.
* Neck to thigh : 5.3 inc.
* Thigh : 3.5 inc.
* Leg length : 8 inc.
* Foot length : 1 inc.

One of a Kind ONLY!
 The Price is 1,750$ excludes the shipping price.
Please contact : immortalclassique@gmail.com

Number 7#

The model from the aboved picts "Nephele "L." She's a very fine porcelain doll.
The doll comes with 20 articulated joint parts. The doll and items are for sale as in the pictures showing.

* Height : 15.5 inc.
* Weight : 323 g.
* Head Mesurement : 4.5 inc.
* Neck Mesurement : 2 inc.
* Chest size : 5.6inc.
* Shoulder width : 2.5 inc.
* Arm length : 4.5 inc.
* Waist : 4 inc.
* Hip mesurement : 5.7 inc.
* Waist to toe length : 8.9 inc.
* Neck to thigh : 5.3 inc.
* Thigh : 3.5 inc.
* Leg length : 8 inc.
* Foot length : 1 inc.

One of a Kind ONLY!
 The Price is 1,350$ excludes the shipping price.
Please contact : immortalclassique@gmail.com
Thank You very much to all of you :-) 
Have a good night/day!!!